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UD Bookstore Sees the Difference a Wholesaler Can Make

Posted by Dean Asher on 10/25/16 8:16 AM
Topics: used books, college store stories

University of Dayton Bookstore had been a loyal partner store to its wholesaler for four decades. They had no particular qualms about their wholesaler or how they did business, but when the store needed more used titles to help students’ textbook scholarships go further, officials took a closer look at the alternative sources they'd utilized to fill gaps in their orders.

UD Bookstore Sees the Difference a Wholesaler Can Make

UD Bookstore noticed that one of their stopgap secondary used book providers routinely helped fulfill orders their primary wholesaler couldn't, the store devised a test: each term they'd submit lists to this secondary wholesaler slightly earlier, to see how many books they could get.

The difference was astounding: by November 2014, UD Bookstore made the decision to switch to MBS as its chief wholesaler.

To see the results of their test and what a difference a wholesaler can make for your store, download this free case study.

Read Their Story

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