Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Social Media Series: Make Your Own Flash Mob in 8 Easy Steps!

Posted by admin on 6/7/11 11:00 PM
Topics: social media, facebook

Gain notoriety with students, enhance your image, boost school spirit and maybe even make the evening news — all in less than five minutes. ‘Impossible!’ may be your first response. But we promise it’s not. Engage students with your store and school by implementing a flash mob!

A flash mob is an organized event where individuals gather to complete a seemingly spontaneous pre-determined action at a designated place and time. Because of their popularity, flash mobs are the perfect opportunity to connect with a younger demographic and demonstrate your dedication to their interests.

Though this strategy can be implemented with any group of participants, we suggest gearing the promotion toward the incoming freshman class as a way to establish your image with this all-important group.

No students are more excited to show their school spirit and demonstrate their allegiance to your school than the freshmen. Providing them with a fun and unique outlet to express this enthusiasm allows your store the chance to gain their loyalty.

Pulling off such a large-scale production, however, may seem overwhelming. That’s why we’ve broken it down into simple steps to help your store accomplish an undeniably amazing event.

Plan the action

First, choose what type of action you want your flash mob to perform. The best part is there are no rules, and the possibilities are limitless — so be creative! Here are some suggestions:

• Choreograph a dance to your school fight song

• Create a chant related to your campus

• Freeze in a pose imitating your school’s mascot. For example, pose like a tiger on the prowl.

• Create a giant ‘wave’

• Start a congo line

Remember to keep whatever you plan pretty basic so students of any skill level can achieve it. Besides the action, you can also add to the fun by asking students to wear your school colors or bring a prop so other participants can distinguish fellow flash mobbers from bystanders. Ensure that the prop and action are harmless so no one feels threatened.

Plan the basics

Select a time, date and location for your event. We suggest planning it the first Friday of the school year. Schedules are still relatively flexible during the first week, and this time period gives your freshmen participants a chance to get acclimated to campus.

Pick a high-traffic location with enough space to fit your estimated number of participants, and choose a time that many passer-bys will be present. Consider your campus quad, football stadium or even just outside of your store.

Based on this information, work backward to create a timeline for the following steps.

Create the materials

Have your student employees produce an instructional video demonstrating what members of the flash mob will be responsible for doing. Detail dance moves or write out words so each member can learn the routine in advance. Remember, your participants are freshmen so throw in fun facts that pertain to your school or store to educate them as you go.

Then, create a designated Facebook Page specific to the event. Keep it separate from your store’s page to ensure secrecy. Post your educational materials, along with a step-by-step guide of how the day will go, based on the information you determined in the previous steps.

Finally, make both print and digital flyers promoting the Flash Mob to distribute at freshman-oriented events. Include the main details of the event and a link to the designated Facebook Page. Tailor the messaging of these promotional pieces to make freshmen feel privileged to be the exclusive participants and position it as a great chance to meet other students.

Build your mob

Form a distribution strategy for getting the word out. Your school’s welcome week or orientation is the best time to reach your target demographic. Place flyers in orientation packets or hand them out during key times, including campus tours and move-in day at the dorms. Because you want to keep the event under wraps, however, don't advertise in-store.

Locate specific Facebook Groups created for the incoming freshman class and advertise by posting your digital flyers on their Wall. Encourage students to join your designated Facebook Page created for the Flash Mob only if they plan to participate, to give you an idea of the mob's size.

When students ‘Like’ the page, it will go viral, spreading the event to other potential participants. This may let some upperclassmen in on the idea, and that’s ok. While you want to target your messaging to freshmen, don’t place requirements on the event and let the flash mob develop on its own.

Recruit from your network

Contact other departments on campus for their help accomplishing your awesome event. Ask your school’s faculty and even president to join in to enhance interaction between the two groups and show students the fun side of your institution.

Find someone to record the event by reaching out to your school’s art or film department. If they are unavailable, recruit a student employee. Consider having multiple cameras positioned to get various angles of the mob.

Clue in local media including the news and the campus newspaper that a special event they may want to cover will take place at your chosen time and location.

Prepare for the event

Have participants meet in your store at a designated time before the mob begins as a timing mechanism. Select a cue that signals when students should begin or synchronize your watches. From there, have students disperse and arrive at the location to wait for your chosen signal. Make sure your cameras are in place and…

Lights, camera, action!

Let the fun begin! Enjoy the moment and watch as your students, faculty and staff collaborate for a one-of-a-kind experience!

Spread the word

Post videos of your flash mob on your website, social media and YouTube channel as soon as possible to promote school spirit and clue in students who may have missed out on the excitement!

Encourage others to re-post the link and watch it spread virally to both your campus community and beyond. Then, enjoy the benefits of added publicity, strengthened relationships and, of course, the inevitable coolness factor that will come to your store as a result!


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