Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

How to Counteract a Summer Sales Slowdown

Posted by Liz Schulte on 5/20/24 6:15 AM

Across retail, sales naturally decrease in the summer months. People spend more time outside, they are traveling, and in general, they are spending less time in stores or online. This can be especially true for collegiate retail. The majority of your on-campus customer base has left for the summer. However, there are still ways college stores can work to counteract that summer slowdown. Here are a few ideas.

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3 Reminders to Encourage Students to Get Their Course Materials

Posted by Liz Schulte on 8/14/23 10:00 AM

Course materials are an essential part of the learning process and help secure academic success. This term, remind students why it is important to get their course materials and share a few tips about how they can save money buying from the college store.

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Increase Online Sales This Summer

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/20/23 7:00 AM

In-store foot traffic probably slows down significantly over the summer. Take this natural lull to develop a strong eCommerce strategy that will boost your store’s online sales for the entire year and help increase summer sales.

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Online Kit Ideas for the Holiday Season

Posted by Liz Schulte on 10/17/22 6:45 AM

The gift-giving season is right around the corner. Give customers some fun gift basket options by creating online kits with some of the merchandise you already have in your store.

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What Reminders Should You Send to Students This Term?

Posted by Liz Schulte on 1/3/22 9:00 AM

Soon, students will return to campus for a new term. Now is a good time to start preparing your spring term student messaging to remind students about the services available to them through the campus store. We have collected a few ideas to help you get started.

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How to Use Social Proof in Your College Store Marketing

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/26/19 6:00 AM

When you are shopping, does an advertisement you saw online entice you to buy more than talking to a friend who tells you about a great sale or deal they found? Probably not. Students, like any shoppers, want to know they are getting high-quality merchandise for a fantastic price, but in the world of retail marketing, everyone claims their products are the best and that they are giving you the deal of a lifetime. Naturally, firsthand experiences are easier to trust.

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Hundreds of Free Ways to Promote Your College Store

Posted by Abraham T. Dyer on 5/23/19 3:19 PM

What if your college store had one more employee who devoted 10 more hours each week to developing your campus store's marketing plans and materials? What could your store accomplish? You don't have to spend more on staffing to find out. We have already laid the groundwork and all you have to do is implement it.

Since 2011, Foreword Online has developed complete (and completely free) marketing plans, covering: holiday marketing, charity and community outreach, unique events and sales, faculty relations plans, and more. Below, sorted by time, topic and audience, are the plans and resources you need to keep your store's marketing fresh from month to month.

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How to Avoid the Retail Race to the Bottom

Posted by Liz Schulte on 8/22/18 5:30 AM

You are five minutes late to meet a friend, but you also have to pick up a couple things before the store closes. You rush inside the store, hoping to get in and out quickly. Immediately you are greeted by rows of overstuffed shelves with more merchandise that you can take in at a glance. You scan the store looking for someone to help you or a sign pointing you in the way you need to go. You only see flashy, red sale signage and uninterested faces. Already late, you squeeze your way through the aisles searching for the few things that you needed to pick up. Your phone rings. It’s your friend asking where you are. You shove the items you managed to find onto the shelves and leave because you don’t have time to deal with it right now.

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Blink, Laugh, Share, Forget

Posted by Lori Reese on 8/16/18 5:30 AM
Those four words capture Generation Z in a nutshell, according to marketing consultancy The Future Company. The age group born between 1995 and 2015 will comprise more than a third of the US population by 2020.

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Alphabetically Challenged: Another Reason Students Fail to Buy Textbooks

Posted by Lori Reese on 8/8/18 5:30 AM

Recently, a former colleague posted a gripe on Facebook illustrating a generation gap that partly explains why students aren’t buying textbooks: Of his 100-plus freshmen at a competitive southeast state school, only two knew the definition of a verb.

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