Getting the word out to students about fall buyback and rental returns can be challenging. A lot of businesses are trying to ensure their message is front and center, so how does a college store stand out from the crowd?
Getting the word out to students about fall buyback and rental returns can be challenging. A lot of businesses are trying to ensure their message is front and center, so how does a college store stand out from the crowd?
With a busy shopping season quickly approaching, now is a good time to start reminding students why they should check out the campus bookstore for gift giving ideas. From preparing for finals to traveling over the holiday, there’s a lot on students’ minds. The college store can offer an easy shopping solution. Here are three reasons students should shop in your store and ideas to inspire shoppers.
The retail industry isn’t stagnant. Trends come and go, and as technology progresses forward, customer expectations can also evolve. Which trends are most important for college stores right now? Let’s look at five retail trends that could have the biggest impact on your college store before the end of this year.
Stores can offer students convenience by hosting a daily buyback throughout the term. This service gives students options to sell back their used textbooks when it is most convenient for them rather than having to show up on a specific day at the end of term. Let’s take a closer look at how campus stores can implement this service.
Taking a new look at your store’s processes, tools and capabilities can lead to fantastic results. We recently spoke with Sara Montgomery, Bookstore Supervisor, College of the Siskiyous Campus Gift and Book Shop, about the steps she has taken to help revitalize the campus store and create brand new revenue streams to support the future.
What advantages set the campus store apart from its competitors? Campus stores have direct access to students, exclusive channels of communication, the largest variety of payment methods, more innate trust and a mission that extends beyond retail. Let’s take a look at the five specific ways your store can build student engagement.
There are many ways to order books from MBS. Which way gives you the best fulfillment rates, more low-cost course materials and an easy way to streamline shipping? A bin-and-hold order.
Text message marketing is quickly becoming one of the top ways for businesses to reach customers and it is easy to see why. Text messages have better open rates, click rates and are usually viewed within minutes of being received. How can college stores best utilize this great marketing resource?
The end of term is a busy time for college stores. Returning textbooks to MBS is an easy process, but there are a few ways you can streamline your return shipment to help save time and expedite the payment to your store.
As the end of the year draws to a close, we think back over the past year. We are grateful for each college store that has taken the time to speak with us and share ideas, tools and processes that have helped them reach new heights in 2023. Foreword Online will return on January 8, 2024, but let’s take a moment to look back at some of the best advice shared by college stores this year.
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