Foreword Online

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Arc 101 — Applications, Analysis and Maximum Productivity

Posted by T.A. Nathan on 10/2/19 8:00 AM
Topics: MBS Systems, MBS Arc, campus bookstore

Arc, or Advanced Retail Center, functions as a hub managing textbook and merchandise inventory, invoice and sales processing, monthly accounting and analyzing store data. Its interface allows you to find the information you need quickly. Below, find ways to speed up your workflow with Arc.

Arc 101 - Applications, analysis, and maximum productivity

Reset Arc passwords from the main menu

One of the more common issues that can be resolved quickly through Arc is password resets. It’s important that there is somebody, typically a manager, who always has access to unlock passwords in Arc during business hours. Those who have access are trained how to do this by their Arc client representative or MBS STS training staff, but it can’t hurt to have a refresher.

Follow the simple steps below to change your password:

  1. From the ARC main menu, you will choose the tile labeled Profile Management.

Arc menu — profile management

  1. From here type in the user ID and select the correct username from the list on the left side.
    User ID
  2. Click Reset Password under the Options Menu.

Reset password button

  1. Take note of the Temporary Password that is listed and click the button that displays “Click Here to Confirm Password Reset.”

Click here to confirm

  1. Ask the user to log in with the temporary password. They will be prompted to create a new password.

Change my password

6. Using the temporary password, the user will enter a new password and click “Change Password.”

Change password

Events banner, message center and the MBS contact list

The event-based banner appears for notable events. These events include weather related MBS closure and critical events such as credit card processors going down. Alerts will be posted to keep you informed.

Events banner

Arc events banner

Message center

MBS’ notifications are shared in the message center, located below the tiles. Get tips, information about releases, upcoming events, and scheduled closures. Be sure to check the message center often.

Arc message center

Contact list

The contact list provides all relevant contact information for MBS Store Technology Solutions. One notable contact is the after-hours support line, which is available to MBS customers 24/7.

Info button

The contacts page is available when using the Textbooks, Merchandise and Accounting, or Student Financial Aid programs. Click the small ‘ⓘ’ button at the top right of the Arc page. From there, select Contact Us, to see all of the contact lines.

Contacts page


The Documentation tab is on the Arc main menu. Here you have access to the documentation for MBS POS, inSite and Arc. Find videos, presentations, diagrams, and documents for MBS applications as well as new releases and enhancements.

ARC documentation tab

We require log-in credentials to access the Documentation site. You may request log-in information from your MBS Arc client representative or the training department (  

Service Center documentation


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