Foreword Online

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Arc: The New Browser-based Retail Management Suite From MBS

Posted by Jason Smallheer on 3/28/17 5:30 AM
Topics: retail technology, MBS Arc, MBS Systems Arc

The tasks associated with running a bookstore take you away from facing customers. Instead, you sit in front of countless web browser tabs with multiple log-ins telling you what you have on the shelf, where to send POs, managing your ledger and figuring out who to staff and when. Now there’s help.

The MBS Systems Advanced Retail Center allows you to easily see the information that matters most to your business. The system is web-based with everything in one place accessible through a single sign-on. Arc’s flexibility promotes productivity.


Arc: the All-new Browser-based Retail Management Suite from MBS from MBS Textbook Exchange, LLC on Vimeo.

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