Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Why Your Facebook Reach Is Down

Posted by Liz Schulte on 1/19/18 5:30 AM

Have you noticed that your store’s Facebook reach has gone down? This isn’t necessarily a reflection of what you are or are not doing on your page to drive engagement. Facebook is making changes to what users see in their newsfeed. Find out how the changes affect your page.

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Easy and Timely Social Media Polls Produce Helpful Results

Posted by Liz Schulte on 11/17/17 9:00 AM

Social media can serve many functions. It is a great tool to network with peers, it can strengthen your store’s brand, and it makes conversing with your customers easier. But, merely having a presence on social media isn’t enough to garner results. Finding new and creative ways to engage with your audience is an essential part of establishing a robust online presence.

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Marketing in a Snap

Posted by Connor Wiemann on 8/4/17 5:30 AM

Grabbing my attention, or most college students’, isn’t easy because we are bombarded with images and advertisements all day every day. However, catch my eye on Snapchat, and suddenly you have my attention — at least for 10 seconds.

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Social Media Spectacular Part Three

Posted by Liz Schulte on 7/7/17 5:30 AM

A variety of content is always a good idea. Offering a combination of images, links, videos and statuses is the best way to reach a broader market of students. Everyone likes different things on social media. I love memes that make me laugh; I stop to read all of them as I am scrolling through my feeds. However, I have friends who watch every video that comes through their feed. By offering a variety, everyone can find something on your page that interests them, which increases their chances of interacting.

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Social Media Spectacular Part Two

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/30/17 5:30 AM

You know your students better than anyone. Everything you need to know to reach them on social media is at your fingertips. Why guess at what platforms they are on when you can simply ask them as they come into the store. Start that dialogue with students and use it to offer them a service they want through your social media efforts. Today we are going to discuss how to determine where to find your audience and how to make your page an asset to them.

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