Foreword Online

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Get the Books You Need ASAP

Posted by Liz Schulte on 1/15/24 7:00 AM
Topics: ordering options, textbook affordability, wholesale textbook ordering

MBS ASAP orders typically ship the next business day. If your college store has a late adoption or is running low on books, MBS provides a simple, reliable solution.Get the Books Your Need ASAP

When you place an ASAP order, your wantlist is compared to our available inventory. We will then ship the available books to you typically within 24 hours or the next business day.

When ordering from MBS, your store:                                    

Spends less — MBS provides discounted new and used books                

Saves time — MBS is a one-stop solution for your inventory demand          

Has the books it needs to serve students — ASAP orders typically ship within 24 hours or the next business day

Placing an ASAP order is simple

Just follow your typical ordering process when getting books from MBS and request ASAP. Realtime Ordering in MBS Service Center provides 24/7 online ordering with up-to-the-minute details on inventory availability.

Check out these four ways to utilize MBS Service Center.

MBS is always to here to help and support your store with any of its course materials or collegiate retail system needs. If you have any questions or we can assist you with anything, please reach out to your territory manager or call our Order Processing department at 800-325-0577.

Place your order today!


Order textbooks from MBS. A one-stop shop for your course material ordering  needs. Get Started  


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