MBS ASAP orders typically ship the next business day. If your college store has a late adoption or is running low on books, MBS provides a simple, reliable solution.
MBS ASAP orders typically ship the next business day. If your college store has a late adoption or is running low on books, MBS provides a simple, reliable solution.
Looking toward the fall term, many college stores are making plans for multiple possible scenarios they may face. For many, there is still a lot unknown. However, lowering costs as well as saving time and employee resources remains important in every scenario. For this Campus Store Conversation, we invited three college stores to share what they are doing to help lower costs and efficiently manage course materials.
Course materials are a vital part of education. Without the necessary materials for class, student performance suffers, and students can easily fall behind. This is one of the reasons why college affordability and textbook affordability are such important issues in higher education. The “Navigating Complex Course Material Trends” white paper gives your campus store a complete guide to today’s most effective cost-saving solutions.
Topics: textbook affordability, sourcing, textbook sourcing
The University of Dayton Bookstore recently began using MBS’ new ordering tool SimpleSource. We sat down with Textbook Manager Kevin Poindexter to discuss his experience with SimpleSource and the features that have worked well for his store.
With an adoption completion rate of 99.92% seven weeks before the start of spring term, Chemeketa Community College is inspiring. Recently, we sat down with Chemeketa’s Director of the Bookstore and Auxiliary Services Meredith Schreiber and the Bookstore Course Materials Coordinator Bonnie Perry to discuss their approach to faculty adoptions and student affordability.
The demand for an education that is affordable, accessible and personalized is driving innovation and creating new opportunities for students to save money on the course materials vital to their collegiate success. Publisher rentals are the latest industry solution that emerged from student-driven conversations about the effect of course materials on their educational experience.
Topics: textbook affordability, rental
June 19, 2018, Basking Ridge, NJ – Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. (NYSE: BNED), a leading provider of educational products and services solutions for higher education and K-12 institutions, today announced an agreement with Pearson to distribute Pearson rental titles at the Company’s 1,483 physical and virtual campus bookstores nationwide. The agreement will allow the companies to provide students, faculty and institutions with greater access to more affordable course materials.
Topics: textbook affordability, textbook wisdom
Looking back, the things I told students about the value of books were way too abstract. When I was a teacher, I didn’t realize that the cost of course materials had soared in recent years. I didn’t know many students opted out of buying required books altogether. I thought they simply believed they could do well in an English class without reading — and I had all kinds of theories about why they dismissed reading assigned literature as unimportant. In some ways, I might have been right, but, in others, I was flat-out wrong.
Topics: textbook affordability, faculty relations, adoptions
It’s a distraction, an onerous bit of red tape or just an abstract requirement that seems out-of-step with classroom reality: Your earnest early-adoption request ends up deleted, routed to junk mail or ignored because faculty don’t understand why you’re sending requests out so early. If you want teachers to cooperate with the college store schedule, it’s critical to anticipate their questions, understand confusion and offer succinct, concrete answers.
Topics: textbook affordability, textbook wisdom
Introducing “Textbook Wisdom,” a Foreword Online series that speaks directly to faculty about the course materials industry and its impact in the classroom. Share it with faculty — and on social media. Bridge the communication gap between bookstores and educators.
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