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5 Ways to Grow Your Customer Email and Text Message Marketing Lists

Posted by Liz Schulte on 12/12/22 6:15 AM
Topics: college store growth opportunity, marketing for college bookstores, campus bookstore marketing

Communication is key for increasing store foot traffic and market share. If customers don’t know about the fantastic bargains they can get in your store, then they might not think to shop with you. Email and text message alerts can be a great way to communicate store sales, promotions and events, but how can stores encourage more customers to sign up to receive email and text message alerts?

5 Ways to Grow Your Customer Email and Text Message Marketing ListsIf you are just getting started with building your email or text message lists or if you are looking to grow your existing lists, these tips can help you increase your marketing distribution.

  1. Ask
    This might seem overly simple, but just asking customers to sign up for your email or text message notifications can have a big impact. Assume that this is a service people don’t know you offer. Having the cashiers directly ask each customer as they checkout is a great way to increase the service’s visibility and get additional sign ups.

  2. Advertise
    Again, assume customers don’t know this is something they could do. Make sure they know about the program. Put signs up throughout the store with a QR code to an easy sign-up form. Highlight any benefits of joining your notification list. This would also be something worth displaying at pop-up locations, sidewalk sales and any event outside of the bookstore.

  3. Connect the email and text list with your store’s loyalty program
    If your store has a loyalty program, make sure you are getting permission to email and text members when they sign up. This will give you more options for reaching your loyal shoppers and give you more opportunities to create special sales and promotions for your loyal customers.

  4. Run a promotion
    People love getting a deal. The customers that might tell you no if asked at the register to sign up for notifications could be compelled if the incentive is worth it. Getting a percentage off their purchase with sign up, getting free shipping on their online order, receiving a coupon for sign up, etc. While larger incentives are the most effective, even small incentive could make a big difference with the number of signups you receive.

  5. Give the option to sign up online
    In your online bookstore, set up the option to sign up to receive email or text notifications during the online customer registration process and add a place to sign up on your homepage. This would be a great way to reach customers that might not regularly come into the store. You could also include a copy of the store’s sign-up flyer with each online order.

How has your store grown its email and text message notification lists? Let us know in the comments!


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