Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Five Ways to Boost Campus Store Student Engagement

Posted by Liz Schulte on 7/15/24 6:45 AM

What advantages set the campus store apart from its competitors? Campus stores have direct access to students, exclusive channels of communication, the largest variety of payment methods, more innate trust and a mission that extends beyond retail. Let’s take a look at the five specific ways your store can build student engagement.

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3 Fun Campus Store Events to End the Term

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/8/24 8:30 AM

Graduation time is quickly approaching, but how can college stores increase sales and student traffic before students return home? Most likely, your store already has its graduation events planned. However, there is time to incorporate another fun event or two before finals and students walk across the stage.

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3 Social Media Trends to Engage Students in 2024

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/11/24 6:15 AM

Social media is an ever-changing medium. What is considered “in” one year may be obsolete by the next. Today, let's take a look at some of the 2024 top social media trends and how college stores can utilize them to better reach students.

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3 Reasons Your Store Should Try SMS Marketing

Posted by Liz Schulte on 2/26/24 7:00 AM

Text message marketing is quickly becoming one of the top ways for businesses to reach customers and it is easy to see why. Text messages have better open rates, click rates and are usually viewed within minutes of being received. How can college stores best utilize this great marketing resource?

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Tips for Using Your Store’s Buyback Promo Dollars

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/17/23 7:15 AM

Before you know it, it will be time for buyback once again. To help you prepare for and promote your college store’s buyback and rental returns, we have collected some ideas for how you can use your MBS Buyback Promo dollars this fall.

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Create a Cohesive In-store, Website and Social Media Brand Experience

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/3/23 7:15 AM

When students want to purchase course materials or emblematic merchandise, is your college store the first choice that comes to mind? How do students view the campus store? These questions are why it is important to strengthen your store’s omnichannel brand experience.

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Reasons to Implement Price Matching

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/20/23 6:30 AM

For most people, price matters. A great bargain can entice you to make an unplanned purchase. Likewise, a price tag higher than what you anticipated (or high shipping costs) can cause you to hesitate. Price matching is one way to reach price sensitive shoppers and increase sales.

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College Store Events to Finish the School Year Strong

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/6/23 6:45 AM

Now is a good time to start planning your store’s end-of-term events to maximize sales before most students head home for break. Both in-store and online events are a great way to engage customers and encourage repeat shoppers. We have compiled four ideas to help you drive more traffic to the campus store this spring.

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Three Ways to Engage With Cart Abandonment Emails

Posted by Liz Schulte on 1/16/23 6:00 AM

You work hard to engage and encourage online shoppers to visit your website. The shopper loads up a virtual shopping cart, but then something happens before checkout is completed. What do you do next? Is that sales opportunity gone? Do you try to reach the shopper again?

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5 Ways to Grow Your Customer Email and Text Message Marketing Lists

Posted by Liz Schulte on 12/12/22 6:15 AM

Communication is key for increasing store foot traffic and market share. If customers don’t know about the fantastic bargains they can get in your store, then they might not think to shop with you. Email and text message alerts can be a great way to communicate store sales, promotions and events, but how can stores encourage more customers to sign up to receive email and text message alerts?

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