With all the various course material formats, sometimes it might be difficult to keep everything straight. Today, let’s take a deeper look at Publisher Consignment Rental (PCR).
With all the various course material formats, sometimes it might be difficult to keep everything straight. Today, let’s take a deeper look at Publisher Consignment Rental (PCR).
Recently, MBS Vice President of Inventory Control Mike Tolly sat down with us to share his thoughts and impressions about his panel at CAMEX, Publisher Consignment Rentals: Implementing In-store and at Scale. There, he was joined by Jessica Hickman, senior director course materials services at IndiCo, and Kevin Leitner, director of bookstore operations for Florence O. Wilson Bookstore at the College of Wooster. During the panel they discussed the opportunities and challenges publisher consignment rentals present to today’s independent college stores.
The demand for an education that is affordable, accessible and personalized is driving innovation and creating new opportunities for students to save money on the course materials vital to their collegiate success. Publisher rentals are the latest industry solution that emerged from student-driven conversations about the effect of course materials on their educational experience.
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