Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Simple Ways to Maximize Your Social Media Efforts

Posted by Liz Schulte on 5/13/24 6:45 AM

How much time does your store spend on social media? With so many other things to do, it is difficult to devote a lot of time to researching ways to improve your reach and analyzing the posting data available to you. That’s why we have collected three easy tips to help you boost your social media efforts without spending extra time or resources.

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2021-2022 College Store Social Media Marketing Guide White Paper

Posted by Liz Schulte on 7/26/21 6:15 AM

Prepare your fall social media marketing strategy with the help of this free social media marketing guide. The downloadable guide explores:

  • The most popular social media platforms
  • Timesaving social media hacks
  • What to post on social media
  • Social media best practices
  • Five social media marketing ideas for the upcoming year
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Spotlight: GVSU Laker Store Has a Social Media Strategy That Works

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/3/19 6:00 AM

Social media is a fantastic tool for college stores. It helps you connect with students, alumni and parents in a consistent and meaningful way. However, developing a great social media presence requires strategy and fair amount of patience. Find out how the GVSU Laker Store has turned their social media efforts into a valuable store resource.

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