Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Drive Student Traffic This Spring With Fun College Store Events

Posted by Liz Schulte on 2/19/24 7:00 AM

As the cold begins to thaw and the sun shines a little longer each day, it’s a great time to plan some fun in-store events and online promotions. We have gathered some of our best ideas and marketing plans to help you schedule memorable spring events.

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5 Ways Student Employees Can Help With College Store Social Media

Posted by Liz Schulte on 8/23/21 6:15 AM

College stores can benefit from using social media to market to students. However, finding the time each day, week and month to fully maintain your social media pages can be a challenge. One way college store managers can maintain a robust social media presence without taking on a lot of extra work is to recruit student help.

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How to Help Students Understand the Importance of Course Materials Marketing Plan

Posted by Liz Schulte on 1/6/21 6:30 AM

Students who are prepared for their classes have a better chance of mastering the subject, especially with the rise of online learning. Why are so many students choosing not to purchase course materials? The usual reasons are the cost is too high, the professor doesn’t use the book or the student has heard from friends that the book isn’t necessary for the course. With many schools relying on online learning, course materials are more important than ever to student success. So, how can the bookstore help students understand the importance of course materials?

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