College-age shoppers are price conscious. And we mean really price conscious.
Topics: retail technology, eCommerce, price comparison
College-age shoppers are price conscious. And we mean really price conscious.
Topics: college store stories, price comparison
The stereotype is everywhere: you can always find cheaper books than at your campus bookstore. Stores that have in-town competition especially know this one, as many brick-and-mortar college town competitors claim to out-buy and undersell the bookstore every term.
In recent years, the rising cost of textbooks has caught the attention of everyone from government agencies to the media. But, college stores have been taking action against the issue for years, ensuring they offer the lowest prices possible to their students. Columbus State Community College, located in Columbus, Ohio, has been at the forefront of the movement, doing all that they can to provide the best value; and they have faculty, students, administration and, of course, bookstore staff members, involved in the effort.
There’s no doubt that students are savvy shoppers. In fact, comparing textbook prices has become an increasingly standard practice and the most proactive college stores have responded with more competitive pricing. Taking that commitment to transparency even further, Forty-Niner Shops, Inc., is now offering price matching during rush this fall.
When it comes to choosing the most affordable course materials, students are often confused. For years, Rusty Weldon, assistant director at Auburn University Bookstore, had tried to verbally communicate his expertise on the topic to students and their families. Dedicated to saving his customers the most money, however, he decided it was time to show them instead.
Two years ago, the Duck Store at University of Oregon received an unwelcome surprise; they realized a competitor had rented table space directly across the street from their store in an attempt to buy students’ books.
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