Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

How Gen Z Is Making Marketing Easier and Cheaper

Posted by T.A. Nathan on 9/3/19 8:10 AM

Generation Z was birthed in the infinite space of the internet and its interconnected networks of communication. With buying decisions, they have access to every review, rating and criticism of a business at their fingertips. They also have access to a wider breadth of retail choices. Your marketing has about eight seconds to win Gen Z’s attention – don’t waste it.

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How College Stores Can Help Gen Z Change the World

Posted by Lori Reese on 7/3/19 6:00 AM

As a campus store professional, you’ve probably noticed a defining characteristic of Gen Z students: They care about the world. These young people are tuned into what’s happening, and they want to make a difference. One way campus stores can foster that drive is to draw on your connection with the larger community. Become a hub that introduces students to local volunteer opportunities.

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Three College Fan Gear Trends for Gen Z Students

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/3/19 5:30 AM

College fan gear is a staple in student closets. Wearing logoed apparel to class, to run errands, to big game day events and even for a night out, Generation Z students want collegiate apparel that is versatile, affordable and comfortable. However, students also gravitate toward specific style trends. If they can’t find what they are looking for on campus, they will shop elsewhere.

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Why Is Mobile Technology Key to Reaching Fans?

Posted by Liz Schulte on 2/13/19 6:00 AM

There is nothing quite like walking into a stadium or arena on a college game day. Energy and excitement spark against your skin as you make your way through throngs of equally excited fans to find your seats. Strangers wearing the same team colors as you are suddenly comrades ready to help cheer your college team to victory.

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How Can College Stores Meet Gen Z’s Retail Expectations?

Posted by Liz Schulte on 2/11/19 6:00 AM

College store employees know students. Every day, year in and year out, you help the next wave of academic hopefuls with all of their collegiate retail needs. For the past 20 years, the students coming in and out of your bookstore have been predominately millennials — individuals born between 1981 and 1997. As millennial students complete their education, the next generational cohort that college stores must adapt to is Generation Z.

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