Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

3 Ways Campus Stores Can Nurture College Student Wellness

Posted by Lori Reese on 9/11/19 8:00 AM

College student wellness has become a vital issue for all education stakeholders, including campus stores. Data shows that students experience more stress now than ever. Over two-thirds of college students struggle with mental health issues. Over half report trouble with depression. In addition, students describe feeling burdened by a growing roster of real-world concerns. They worry about paying for college, gun violence, racial injustice, divisive politics and the environment.

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How College Stores Can Help Gen Z Change the World

Posted by Lori Reese on 7/3/19 6:00 AM

As a campus store professional, you’ve probably noticed a defining characteristic of Gen Z students: They care about the world. These young people are tuned into what’s happening, and they want to make a difference. One way campus stores can foster that drive is to draw on your connection with the larger community. Become a hub that introduces students to local volunteer opportunities.

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The Resurgence of Vintage-Inspired Merchandise

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/1/19 5:36 AM

Everything comes back in style. You have probably heard or even said this adage at some point in your life. From clothes to music to hairstyles, certain trends make their way back into the limelight time and time again. Right now, vintage fashions are experiencing a rebirth at the hands of Generation Z.

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How Can College Stores Meet Gen Z’s Retail Expectations?

Posted by Liz Schulte on 2/11/19 6:00 AM

College store employees know students. Every day, year in and year out, you help the next wave of academic hopefuls with all of their collegiate retail needs. For the past 20 years, the students coming in and out of your bookstore have been predominately millennials — individuals born between 1981 and 1997. As millennial students complete their education, the next generational cohort that college stores must adapt to is Generation Z.

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Energize Customers With a Brain Food Sale During Finals

Posted by Lori Reese on 12/5/18 8:30 AM

Studies show that Generation Z — who comprise the bulk of young people entering college now —  have well-informed appetites. These kids were raised on public service messages intended to counter the rise in obesity and diabetes. When Gen Z students are hungry for a snack, they look for nutritious options first. That’s good reason to drive traffic into your store with an easy marketing campaign about the health food you offer, especially as finals approach.

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How to Win Gen Z’s Loyalty for Your Store

Posted by Liz Schulte on 11/12/18 5:30 AM

Gen Z, millennials, Gen X, baby boomers, the silent generation: is there really a difference between these groups when it comes to shopping? Every generation wants a good experience that is convenient. Everyone wants to feel like they are purchasing a quality product at a good price. It is unlikely a customer of any age will come into your store and demand a terrible experience or complain that they didn’t have to wait long enough to be helped. Core consumer expectations don’t vary all that much from generation to generation. So why does Gen Z research matter? Why does your store need to understand today’s students and their motivation?

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5 Best Practices for Connecting with Gen Z on Social Media

Posted by Liz Schulte on 10/8/18 6:00 AM

Students continuously cycle through campus, but is one group of students really that different than the next? According to generational research, yes. Each generation has different expectations, goals, preferences and views of the world. Gen Z is no exception. Even down to social media habits, this group distinguishes themselves from their millennial predecessors. Understanding Gen Z’s relationship with social media and retail will help you improve the way your store uses social media to connect with the students on your campus.   

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