Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

3 Key Takeaways From MBS Forums

Posted by Guest Contributor on 4/29/24 6:30 AM

At the beginning of April, MBS Store Technology Solutions held its biannual training event for system partners. Forums is always a great week of learning and networking for campus stores. MBS System Sales Consultant Jeremy Hawkins joins us today to share three takeaways he learned through the weeklong event.

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MBS System Partners: Register to Attend MBS Spring Forums Free Training Events

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/18/24 7:00 AM

Registration is now open for the MBS Store Technology Solutions’ Spring Forums virtual events. Join us, April 1-5, for a week of virtual learning, announcements, collaboration, and so much more. System partners will have the opportunity to get tips, connect with other MBS system users, explore ways to add efficiency and ask questions.

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MBS System Partners: Save the Date for This Year’s Biannual Forums Systems Training Event

Posted by Liz Schulte on 2/22/24 7:00 AM

Mark your calendar. The MBS Spring 2024 Forums event will be hosted virtually April 1 – 5. During the weeklong event, MBS Store Technology Solutions will offer a variety of virtual training webinars, daily ancillary resources and tips to help you simplify store processes.

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For Towson and NMJC, System Training Is Vital to Campus Store Success

Posted by Lori Reese on 1/27/20 8:00 AM

Towson University’s University Store and the New Mexico Junior College Bookstore (NMJC) are two distinct campus stores with a key feature in common: both take advantage of MBS Store Technology Solutions’ annual training. As a result, both stores find new ways to increase revenue, transcend industry challenges and serve their students every year.

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3 Keys to Employee Excellence

Posted by Lori Reese on 3/1/18 5:30 AM

Gas stations and big-box stores aren’t the first things that come to mind when you think of employee satisfaction. Yet, that’s something QuickTrip, Costco and Trader Joe’s have in common.

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Why Proper Training Will Lead to Your Store's Success

Posted by Dean Asher on 12/6/16 5:00 AM

Preparedness is an essential trait of running a successful bookstore. The best way to make sure you’ll be ready from day one is to find a comprehensive training program that will enable your staff to provide a smoother customer experience, maximize your store’s organization and turn your employees from novices into experts. A direct correlation can be drawn between well-instructed training and store success.

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