Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Bin-and-Hold Orders Provide More Low-Cost Books

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/3/24 6:30 AM

There are many ways to order books from MBS. Which way gives you the best fulfillment rates, more low-cost course materials and an easy way to streamline shipping? A bin-and-hold order.

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Campus Stores Are Already Starting Their Bin-and-Hold Orders

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/22/24 7:30 AM

It’s that time of year to start submitting your store’s fall want list for a bin-and-hold order. The earlier your want list is turned in the better your fulfillment will be. Here are a few tips to help you maximize your want list fulfillment.

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Start Your Store’s Summer and Fall Textbook Orders

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/10/23 6:30 AM

The end of term is rapidly approaching, and stores are starting to receive textbook adoptions. It is never too early to submit a wantlist to MBS and start a bin and hold. As new adoptions come in, you can easily update your list and request multiple reworks, helping your store maximize fulfillment, access more of our low-cost inventory and get more books in one shipment.

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Managing Buyback and Rental Returns Student Communication

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/29/21 6:00 AM

Buyback is an important event for the college store. It helps stores ensure you have the low-cost used book inventory necessary for the following term and gives students an easy time and place to return rental books. However, due to state, local and campus restrictions, it may not be possible to have an on-campus buyback this term.

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Campus Store Conversations: Stores Get More Savings With SimpleSource

Posted by Liz Schulte on 11/23/20 6:15 AM

SimpleSource is one of the industry’s best ordering tools. It is easy to use, saves stores time and lowers costs. Nationwide, stores are benefiting from the streamlined service this tool provides

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3 Savvy Ways College Stores Maximize Cost Savings

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/17/20 6:00 AM

Going into the fall term, it is important to strengthen your position on campus by lowering costs, both for students and the college store. However, how can stores lower costs while maintaining the service and quality customers expect? MBS offers college stores many cost-saving solutions that are also designed to help streamline store operations and elevate the customer experience.

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