This year college stores might have a hard time getting on-time adoptions from faculty members. If adoptions come in late, how can your store get low-cost books you need in time for rush and minimize the amount of work required?
This year college stores might have a hard time getting on-time adoptions from faculty members. If adoptions come in late, how can your store get low-cost books you need in time for rush and minimize the amount of work required?
Creating opportunity for interpersonal contact is one of the best ways for campus stores to increase faculty engagement. Here, you’ll find a marketing plan template for two kinds of event that are sure to attract teachers, faculty readings and a faculty appreciation night. Events like these can burnish your store’s reputation among faculty and nurture positive word of mouth in the campus community.
Topics: faculty relations, faculty, faculty engagement
If you want to get buy-in for the campus store from faculty, it’s good to know the dos and don’ts of increasing faculty engagement. Set your sights high. Envision the kind of faculty engagement you want for your store, but remember: like any company or cohort, faculty members have their own culture, complete with common taboos.
Topics: faculty relations, adoptions, faculty engagement
Counting faculty members among a campus store’s target markets seems counterintuitive. College store professionals already work hard to coordinate faculty textbook adoptions. Without such efforts, fewer faculty and students would have essential educational materials. Why increase faculty engagement?
Topics: administration, faculty relations, digital textbooks
It’s good to have powerful talking points on hand when you’re engaged in a campus discussion about the benefits of digital innovation or educational technology. Many people have strong views about the role technology should play in education — and in our lives. Faculty can be especially strident about anything they fear might harm instruction, including digital course materials.
Topics: ed tech, faculty relations, faculty, digital textbooks
Our previous segment of this ongoing series offered a front-lines, first-person view of a teacher’s experience with using eTextbooks in class. In our second installment, we look more broadly at how faculty perceive digital course material options and offer advice for generating more interest in digital on campus. Our goal: provide our collegiate retail readers with insight that eases communication with faculty about cost-saving options that can boost student success.
With an adoption completion rate of 99.92% seven weeks before the start of spring term, Chemeketa Community College is inspiring. Recently, we sat down with Chemeketa’s Director of the Bookstore and Auxiliary Services Meredith Schreiber and the Bookstore Course Materials Coordinator Bonnie Perry to discuss their approach to faculty adoptions and student affordability.
Topics: faculty relations, digital textbooks
Welcome to the first of a four-part series about working with digital texts in the classroom. Our goal is to offer our collegiate retail readers insight that will empower your discussions with faculty and administrators about affordable course material options. We will present the pros and cons of digital texts in a way that allows you to answer questions about how the format affects student engagement and success — and faculty workload.
Topics: faculty relations, faculty, college stores
Good faculty relations are critical to collegiate retail success. Of course, you need cooperation from educators when it comes to adoptions, but, far beyond that, faculty evangelists can boost your store’s campus profile and its bottom line. In marketing-speak, an evangelist is someone who spreads enthusiastic word-of-mouth about your store and services — and they do it for free.
Topics: faculty relations, adoptions
First, an apology: Before I started working for MBS, I spent more than a decade in college classrooms oblivious to the needs of campus retailers. Although I can’t speak for all faculty members, I doubt my ignorance was unique.
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