Topics: social media, college store stories, eCommerce, contests
Social media is opening the lines of communication between business and consumer and allowing for a whole new form of interaction. So, it’s no surprise that crowdsourcing, or soliciting feedback from a group of people to solve a problem or develop an idea, is taking off like wildfire in the world of retail.
With the evolution of digital technology, society has become entranced by screens. From cell phones to computers, tablets to TVs, they have literally invaded every aspect of daily life. This shift has undoubtedly affected the way consumers shop and, as a result, the way retailers advertise.
The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never held more truth. With the advent of photo-sharing applications such as SnapChat and Instagram, the way people communicate is beginning to shift. On a daily basis, thousands use a simple picture to tell a story of the day’s events or to share a specific feeling.
Topics: social media, facebook, snapchat
Students are all over social media and one of the newest avenues they’re exploring is Snap Chat, the real-time picture chatting app for iOS and Android. With the app, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their photos, up to 10 seconds, after which it will be deleted from the recipient's device and the company's servers.
Topics: social media, college store stories
We all know that college students love their social media, and Pinterest, the fastest growing social network in history, is quickly becoming their most-visited platform. One of the most commonly pinned items among the demographic is craft projects, and many students spend countless hours filling their boards with creative ideas.
Creating a social media page is simple enough, but getting your customers to engage with it can be no easy task. That’s why Dixie State University Campus Store continually looks for new ways to cross promote their social platforms and get students excited about interacting with them.
Valentine's Day is all about honoring those we care about, so many college stores took the opportunity to thank their loyal customers with fun events, interactive promotions, and even big sales. Take a look at how a few stores celebrated the occasion and the results they received:
Odds are you've heard of Pinterest over the past few months. The social bookmarking site, where users collect and share photos of their favorite events, interests and hobbies, has become one of the fastest growing social networks online! In fact, it's the third-largest such network behind only Facebook and Twitter.
Topics: social media, facebook
As many social media users know, you can connect your Facebook page and Twitter account with the click of a button. While this feature may save your store time, it has some serious downfalls, as well.
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