Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

App-y Hour: Arm Your Students with a Custom Mobile Toolbox

Posted by Liz Schulte on 8/1/18 8:30 AM

Need a map? Music? Guided meditation? A budget? To know which bar around you is offering the cheapest drinks? There’s an app for that. Phones have become the unnatural extension of our arms for a good reason: there is a world of information within our grasp. There is an app for almost everything imaginable, but which apps can help a college student manage their busy lives?

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Three Ways to Connect With Students

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/25/18 5:30 AM

Text messaging, email, website, phone, mail, apps, chat, social media, advertisements, in the age of information communication shouldn’t be difficult. The many options for how we speak with one another haven’t made communication simpler. Instead, they have created a cloud of noise that is difficult to maneuver through. How can you ensure your message reaches your specific audience?

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Career Matters

Posted by Lori Reese on 6/21/18 5:30 AM

Winning the heart of today’s student means showing you care about the two things: money and career.

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The Potential of Podcasts

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/20/18 5:30 AM

What do you think of when you think of podcasts? Coming into this, I wasn’t a fan. Really, that’s probably not a fair statement. I simply never thought about them. I didn’t understand what podcasts provided. In my mind, I equated them with a morning radio show — I’d rather listen to music. Podcasts, however, are so much more.

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Reach Nontraditional Students in a Nontraditional Way

Posted by Liz Schulte on 6/19/18 5:30 AM

Connecting with nontraditional students can be a challenge. As they come and go, more disconnected from campus events than other students, your message can be lost. Many of these students have jobs, they might have kids and they are older. All of this contributes to making them feel disenfranchised on campus. Keeping this population of students in mind, here are a few ideas of how your store can engage with overlooked students.

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A Look at How Students Buy Course Materials

Posted by Liz Schulte on 5/14/18 10:00 AM

Course materials have a vital role to play in the success of a student’s education. However, making sure students have what they need when they need it is a concern. With the growing cost of education and student financial struggles, it’s important to understand their buying habits and their preferences when looking for solutions.

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The Last-Minute Buyback Plan

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/3/18 5:30 AM

Buyback will be here before you know it. Do you have plan? How will you get the word out to students about where and when they can sell back their books? Do you have an incentive for them to choose your store rather than the competition? If these questions have filled you with anxiety, have no fear. We have gathered some easily-implemented ideas your store can use to ensure your buyback is a success.

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How Can inSite Help Make Your Buyback Amazing?

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/29/18 5:30 AM

The end of the semester is a busy time for college stores. Finding time to promote buyback and balance the rest of your responsibilities is a challenge. There are only so many hours in a day and so many directions you can be pulled. That’s why it is important to find easy-to-use solutions that save time, inform students and streamline your diverse duties. MBS Systems inSite offers an easy way for students to receive a personalized, automated buyback reminder that tells them the value of their book.

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What You Need to Know to Reach Generation Z Students

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/26/18 5:30 AM

Generation Z students have set themselves apart from millennials and Gen X in more ways than just their comfort-level with technology. The young, pragmatic generation’s attitude about education and debt is changing the educational landscape. Here’s what you need to know.

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Spotlight Abraham Dyer: Ways to Differentiate Your Store

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/7/18 5:30 AM

College stores face an increasingly competitive market where student loyalty is hard to win. As students choose among competitors, it is vital to communicate what you offer that they cannot get outside vendors. That’s why we sat down with MBS Marketing Coordinator Abraham Dyer to discuss how college stores can identify and use their differentiators to drive more traffic into the store and ensure it remains a vital part of the campus ecosystem.

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