Foreword Online

Ideas, information and industry news for collegiate retailers

Liz Schulte

About Liz Schulte

Liz Schulte is an author and business owner with a background in customer service, marketing and higher education development.

Recent articles by Liz Schulte

How to Counteract a Summer Sales Slowdown

Posted by Liz Schulte on 5/20/24 6:15 AM

Across retail, sales naturally decrease in the summer months. People spend more time outside, they are traveling, and in general, they are spending less time in stores or online. This can be especially true for collegiate retail. The majority of your on-campus customer base has left for the summer. However, there are still ways college stores can work to counteract that summer slowdown. Here are a few ideas.

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Simple Ways to Maximize Your Social Media Efforts

Posted by Liz Schulte on 5/13/24 6:45 AM

How much time does your store spend on social media? With so many other things to do, it is difficult to devote a lot of time to researching ways to improve your reach and analyzing the posting data available to you. That’s why we have collected three easy tips to help you boost your social media efforts without spending extra time or resources.

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5 Easy Ways to Promote Buyback and Rental Returns Before the End of Term

Posted by Liz Schulte on 5/6/24 7:00 AM

Many students will soon be heading home for the summer. While it is probably too late to plan a large buyback event, you can still make students aware that they can sell back their textbooks before they head home. Here are some simple ideas to help you get the word out ASAP.

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Campus Stores Are Already Starting Their Bin-and-Hold Orders

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/22/24 7:30 AM

It’s that time of year to start submitting your store’s fall want list for a bin-and-hold order. The earlier your want list is turned in the better your fulfillment will be. Here are a few tips to help you maximize your want list fulfillment.

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3 Ways to Simplify Buyback and Rental Returns

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/15/24 8:45 AM

The end of term is a busy time. With graduation, finals, moving home, etc. buyback and rental returns may not rank high on a student’s to-do list. That’s why it is important for campus stores to make the buyback and return process as simple as possible. We have three tips to help stores streamline their buyback and rental returns.

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3 Fun Campus Store Events to End the Term

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/8/24 8:30 AM

Graduation time is quickly approaching, but how can college stores increase sales and student traffic before students return home? Most likely, your store already has its graduation events planned. However, there is time to incorporate another fun event or two before finals and students walk across the stage.

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Dakota Wesleyan University Simplifies Course Material Management With BNC Virtual

Posted by Liz Schulte on 4/1/24 6:30 AM

The Dakota Wesleyan University Store simplified its course material management with a dedicated virtual bookstore. Recently, we sat down with Lori Solberg, Bookstore Manager, Dakota Wesleyan University Store, to hear about her store’s unique partnership with MBS.

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How MBS Store Technology Solutions Personalizes Every College Store System Implementation

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/25/24 6:15 AM

Switching to a new collegiate retail system can be overwhelming. There is so much to do and usually a limited time to accomplish the switch. That’s why the clear, concise expert implementation guidance provided by MBS Store Technology Solutions is vital to a smooth collegiate retail system upgrade.

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MBS System Partners: Register to Attend MBS Spring Forums Free Training Events

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/18/24 7:00 AM

Registration is now open for the MBS Store Technology Solutions’ Spring Forums virtual events. Join us, April 1-5, for a week of virtual learning, announcements, collaboration, and so much more. System partners will have the opportunity to get tips, connect with other MBS system users, explore ways to add efficiency and ask questions.

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3 Social Media Trends to Engage Students in 2024

Posted by Liz Schulte on 3/11/24 6:15 AM

Social media is an ever-changing medium. What is considered “in” one year may be obsolete by the next. Today, let's take a look at some of the 2024 top social media trends and how college stores can utilize them to better reach students.

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